2021 - Volume 4 [Issue 1]

Letter to the Editor

Stroke Thrombolysis in Difficult Circumstance: When Benefit May Not Overrule Risk!

Debabrata Chakraborty, Kishalaya Karan, Aditya Choudhary, Sadanand Dey

Is High Blood Pressure Always an Obstacle in Stroke Thrombolysis?

Debabrata Chakraborty, Suvadip Maiti, Sadanand Dey, Sanjay Bhaumik

Case Report

Case Report: Compressive Cervical Radiculopathy Caused by Spontaneous Bilateral Vertebral Artery Dissection

Marcela Canio S., Cynthia Mendoza S., Natalia Albornoz H., Daniel Andreu O., Pablo Reyes Sánchez

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) in Adults- A Case Series of (5) Five Patients from Bisha, Saudi Arabia

Adekunle F. Mustapha, Lukman Femi Owolabi, Ahmed Raafat, Aomar G. Belkacem, Oluranti Akinyemi, Mushabab Alghamdi, Hamzah M. Ahmed, Francis Ikechukwu Okwuegbuna

Case Study

An Emblematic Case of Tetanus in a Young Adult Vaccinated

Said Khallikane, Hicham Kbiri, Kamal Haji, Nabil Mehdi, Rachid Seddiki, Mohamed Boughalem, Issam Serghini

Short Research Article

Epidemiology, Clinical Presentation and Outcome of Neonatal Convulsion at Tobruck Medical Center - Libya

Mohanad Abdulhadi Saleh Lawgali, Faiaz Ragab Salem Halies, Amina M. Beayou, Nasren Gamal Saleh Al-Fraik, Khadeejah Miftah Ali Al-Khurum

Opinion Article

Egypt Fights Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Omar Elsaka, Moneer Ayman Noureldean, Mohamed Adel Gamil, Mostafa Tarek Ghazali, Ashraf Hamada Abd Al-Razik, Dalia Hisham

Short Communication

Short term Video EEG is a useful Diagnostic Procedure in Sub Acute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)

Sajeesh Parameswaran, T. V. Anil Kumar, M. Ajith, B. K. Athira, Archana Krishnan, Nandana Murali, A. Marthanda Pillai

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Study of 12 Cases from Southern Brazil

Otto Jesus Hernandez Fustes, Carlos Arteaga Rodriguez, Georgette Mouchaileh E. Ferreira

Minireview Article

Original Research Article

Knowledge and Awareness of Tourette’s Syndrome among the General Population in Saudi Arabia

Amany Mohammed Khalifa, Razan Sulaiman Alsuhaymi, Ruba Abdrabuh Alhamdi, Reem sultan albalawi, Sitah Saleh Alenezi

Clinical and Electrophysiological Spectrum of Inherited Neuropathies in Children: Experience in a Tertiary Neurology Hospital in a Country with Limited Resources

Bithi Debnath, Narayan Chandra Saha, Seikh Azimul Hoque, Ariful Islam, Mohammad Enayet Hussain, Rajib Nayan Chowdhury

Medical History and Clinical Characteristics of People with Epilepsy Attending Two Tertiary Hospitals in Southeast Nigeria: A Review of 150 Adults

Birinus Ezeala-Adikaibe, F. Ekochin, Nkeiru Mbadiwe, I. Okoye, C. C. Okwara, C. Orah-Okpala, O. D. Onodugo, N. P. Onodugo

Assessment of Neurodevelopmental Impairments among 0-2 Years Old Children Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital by Development Screening Questionnaire

Mohammad Zahir Uddin, Muhammad Mizanur Rahman, Kanij Fatema, A. R. M. Sakhawat Hossain Khan, Mohammad Monir Hossain, Tania Saad

Steroid Responsive Idiopathic Superior Orbital Fissure Syndrome: A Case Series

Veeranna Gadad, Anusha Badveli, Rachita Patre Datt, Mahadevappa Kadange

Incidence of Skull Fracture in Children Presenting with Brain Contusion

Niqad Ahmad, Mohmmad Shoaib, Khalid Anwar Khan Khanzada, Tariq khan Hashim

Assessment of Metabolic Disturbances and Their Effects on Epilepsy Outcome in Patients with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy

Noha Shehabeldin, Mohamed Gomaa, Ahmed Abdelrazik, Shereen Metwally, Riham Abdelwahab, Ibrahim Elmenshawi

Inhalation of Sniper and Passive Smoking Disrupt Motor Activity and Spatial Memory in Female Wistar Rats

F. O. Ovie, C. N. Charles, U. S. Aguwa, N. L. Oliver, M. O. Onyewuchi, E. Preyor

Review Article

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